Senior Associate - Tax Law

Catalina Martínez Restrepo

Catalina provides guidance and support to local and foreign companies on tax and corporate matters.

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She has extensive experience in structuring schemes to optimize the tax aspects of companies, to regulate and normalize assets held abroad, structuring schemes for international and local reorganizations, mergers, and spin-offs. She has also had practice in planning strategies for the establishment of businesses and investments in Colombia, and in providing advice to individuals in matters of estate planning and income tax. 

Before joining the firm, she was an associate at one of the most prestigious firms specializing in tax and corporate matters in the country.

Practice areas
Tax Law


  • Master’s degree in international taxation (LL.M), New York University (United States)
  • Postgraduate Degree in Tax Law, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)
  • Postgraduate Degree in Commercial Law, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)
  • Lawyer (J.D. equivalent), Universidad del Rosario (Colombia)


  • Colombia

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