Partner - Litigation & Arbitration

Julián Solorza

Julian has extensive experience advising and representing several local and foreign companies across a wide variety of sectors in all aspects related to dispute resolution, conflicts arising from government contracts, judicial proceedings and administrative sanctions procedures. He has a long experience in competition and consumer protection matters.

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He has focused his practice on civil, commercial, public, public, and private contracting, tax liability and constitutional actions. He advises clients as to the design and implementation of judicial, arbitration and administrative strategies in proceedings and investigations before authorities such as top courts, the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (Superintendence of Industry and Commerce), the Superintendencia Financiera (Superintendence of Finance), the Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos Domicilarios (Superintendence of Public Utilities) and the Superintendencia de Transporte (Superintendence of Transportation).

He teaches public law at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and has designed courses and training sessions on administrative law for institutions such as ANDESCO and Grupo ISA.

Practice areas
Litigation & Arbitration


  • Master's Degree in Administrative Law, Universidad del Rosario (Colombia).
  • Graduate Degree in Commercial Law, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia).
  • Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia).


  • Colombia

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